Why Does the UN Need Social Enterprises?

Posted by in Comm101 Sec 104

Social enterprises are businesses owned by non-profit organizations that are involved in providing goods and services to contribute to making a healthy community. The Arc Initiative, a social enterprise, involves a group of business leaders, young professionals and students that create programs related to business management. The goal of creating these programs is to provide long-term betterment for local communities.

An example of how these programs help is described by Salem Kassahun, an Arc entrepreneur and the owner of a craft boutique – Salem’s Ethiopia. She gained valuable knowledge on how to expand her business. Furthermore, she found ways to meet the needs and wants of Ethiopian visitors, which in turn helps to better the Ethiopian poor economy.

If the UN was fully funded, the Arc and social enterprise would still play a vital role. Social enterprises play a vital role because these projects are focus mainly on daily problems in our society that are usually overlooked by most people. On the other hand, the UN’s main focus is to organize and create effective movements given their large size and their ability to influence politically and socially.

In addition, despite the success that the UN has achieved, I feel that more social enterprises are needed in order to make society be at its best.