BlackBerry Continues to Worry Analysts

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Blackberry Limited, a smartphone developer, continues to face financial challenges despite the release of their new product – The Passport. Chief Executive John Chen said, “From a revenue standpoint, we might not be at the lowest point, but we are near the bottoming out.” The company lost $207 million USD in its latest quarter, but financial results topped analyst expectations in the second quarter and proved that the company is no longer in imminent danger. However, for the time being, the company has cut down costs and strengthened its balance sheets. Chen has made it a goal that by the end of the 2015 fiscal year, the company will breakeven on cash flow.

This company is a good example of one that could put good use into better decision making tools. For example, the fishbone (Ishikawa) diagram can be particularly useful because it can assist Blackberry Limited in finding possible causes for their declining revenue. Moreover, the company can use the Urgency/Important matrix to help determine their priorities. For instance, breakeven on cash flow could be in the Important/Urgency cell and developing new smartphones could belong in Important/Not Urgent cell. Using these decision tools can possibly help find a solution for the decline in revenue and help reach its goal sooner.

Nonetheless, BlackBerry is undergoing changes to restructure itself. The company continues to place focus on developing new technological features and programs in hopes of  cutting down costs and setting the “company on a path to generate positive cash flows by the end of the fiscal year in February, 2015.”