Monthly Archives: October 2014

The Site C Project should create more shared value

The Site C project on Peace River will impact First Nation’s traditional lifestyle, which has resulted in their chiefs’ reaching the federal government to protest against it.

The Site C project is proposed for the purpose of providing clean and renewable energy for British Columbia, and it also creates job opportunities and increases government revenues. However, since sustainability should benefit social, environment and economy as a whole, I do not think the project creates shared value. From the social aspect, the project causes a significant adverse effect on First Nation’s life, which may make the relationship between federal government and First Nation more delicate. From the environment aspect, some of the best farmland in BC will be flooded. And in terms of economy,the project costs a lot and the future profit cannot be ensured.

Personally, it is important for an enormous project like the Site C which is closely connected to the whole society to create shared value immediately. If BC Hydro wants the Site C project to be a success, it should examine what can be brought to the public and prove that the power is needed in the immediate future. If all of its benefits is based on sacrificing First Nation’s lifestyle and the environment, then maybe it is not the right time to build the Site C.

Launching new iPads is not the best way to promote sales

Apple to unveil new iPads Oct. 16:

Everyday I take my iPhone and Macbook Air with me, but leave my iPad2 and iPod touch at home. Since all these gadgets have similar functions, having two of them is enough. I admit that Apple has really awesome products, but how can it make every of its products unique?


When asked about the reasons for buying iPad, most people’ answer will be words like convenient and portable. While iPad3 and iPad4 have improvements such as increased resolution of the display and processing power, they are not the center of customers’ focus. I may get an iPhone 6 for new functions and fashion reasons, but I don’t feel the need to update my iPad.

For a tech company like Apple, keeping improving technology and updating products is essential, but it should focus on the uniqueness of its products so that it can balance the sales. Also, while Apple is now leading the way in the digital world, super-cheap tablets available from Amazon, Samsung, Asus, Lenovo and other companies are threatening the sales of iPad.


Now Apple is to unveil new iPads, and also the smaller iPad mini. Keeping launching new iPad models maintains the high price. However, if customers have already had their own iPhones, they will probably switch to other cheaper ones or simply give up buying another tablet. If Apple wants to promote the sales of the iPad, it is better to reposition it or decrease the price.

Companies should focus on its people —— the employees

Age, not gender, is the new income divide in Canada, study finds

As the article has stated, age, at some times, is used to divide workers’ income. The problem is related with some social beliefs, such as senior workers are more experienced and more devoted to their jobs, and they deserve extra bonus for their long working years. However, faced with relatively lower average income, young people may suffer from large pressure.

Companies, however, can choose to follow the trend or to make some adjustments in order to attract both senior and young workers.

A harmonious culture is needed for a business to pursue long-term development.

Personally, a company’s corporate culture is fundamental to its success. A harmonious relationship among workers drives a company to generate new ideas, to conquer obstacles, to sell products and services, to make profits, and in return, to benefit its employees. Equality should be achieved, so employees should get the same wage for the same work, regardless of their ages. However, companies can pay more money to their senior workers, for they are usually in higher positions. And for younger workers, companies should focus on their own development and mental health. Also, companies can reduce young workers’ living expenses by providing accommodations and food to those who struggle with financial problems.

While a company has to focus on its cost and try to make more profit, I believe focusing on the employees, the people, is more beneficial to its long-term development. A company should not only hire people to work, but also help its employees to success, to better themselves and enjoy their work.