The Arc and social enterprise are needed for the long-term development of communities

There is no denying that the UN fund have made a difference in many parts of the world. However, only giving out money is far from enough in terms of a business’ success and a country’s prosperousness in the long run. It is hard to have a permanent impact in most of the industries by providing limited amount of fund and other resource.

This is the reason why the Arc and social enterprise are needed. By creating innovation that benefits underprivileged communities, social entrepreneurs are devoted to tackle major social issues with a scarcity of resource. And the ARC initiative helps small businesses with their strategies and focus by sharing business toolkits. These achievements are what the UN cannot accomplish by providing funds.

Furthermore, the UN fund and the ARC and social enterprise focus on different types of people and have different objectives.The UN fund may be used to tackle urgent problems, for example providing food and accommodations to refugees. As a result, small businesses and people who can make a living on their own do not benefit much from it. What the ARC and social enterprise do is focusing on supporting a particular group first, thus benefiting the whole community in the long-term.

In a nutshell, the ARC and social enterprise focus more on a long-term benefit and support people that the UN fund cannot reach. Personally, it is such type of effort that can  benefit the communities and people as a whole.




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