Companies should focus on its people —— the employees

Age, not gender, is the new income divide in Canada, study finds

As the article has stated, age, at some times, is used to divide workers’ income. The problem is related with some social beliefs, such as senior workers are more experienced and more devoted to their jobs, and they deserve extra bonus for their long working years. However, faced with relatively lower average income, young people may suffer from large pressure.

Companies, however, can choose to follow the trend or to make some adjustments in order to attract both senior and young workers.

A harmonious culture is needed for a business to pursue long-term development.

Personally, a company’s corporate culture is fundamental to its success. A harmonious relationship among workers drives a company to generate new ideas, to conquer obstacles, to sell products and services, to make profits, and in return, to benefit its employees. Equality should be achieved, so employees should get the same wage for the same work, regardless of their ages. However, companies can pay more money to their senior workers, for they are usually in higher positions. And for younger workers, companies should focus on their own development and mental health. Also, companies can reduce young workers’ living expenses by providing accommodations and food to those who struggle with financial problems.

While a company has to focus on its cost and try to make more profit, I believe focusing on the employees, the people, is more beneficial to its long-term development. A company should not only hire people to work, but also help its employees to success, to better themselves and enjoy their work.


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