Ooh Canada


Hello Everyone! My name is Grace Owens and I am a third-year student here at UBC, majoring in English literature with a minor in theatre studies. I am excited to be pursuing this course yet at the same time a little worried, as with previous experience Canadian literature has definitely not been my favorite stream – however the study of articles in this course is a different perspective and I am excited to explore something new during this term. Throughout this term I look forward to delving deep into concepts that are very close to home for me and trying to encourage new ideas and insights within myself about the country that I have lived in my entire life.

I like to be able to put a face to a name, so I decided that my first image will just be self centred so you know exactly who I am!

I am a fourth generation Canadian who loves Canada more than anything and plans to never leave. I am hoping to be a secondary school teacher, teaching drama and English, so incorporating the history and literature of this country will be very important and I am hoping this class will help to excite me about the topic. The reintroduction of indigenous cultural representation has been on the up rise (rightfully and thankfully so) all throughout my schooling journey, hopefully not to cease soon, and I look forward to learning more about the native Canadian culture that is overall the basis for our mosaic of a country, so that in turn I may instill the importance of such teachings when I have my own classroom. This link provides a short but insightful look at the History of Reconciliation in Canada which I look forward to learning more about the ups and downs throughout this term.

I truly believe that there is no place like Canada, with its endlessly extensive opportunities, its access to resources, various nature exposures such as the mountain – ocean boarder that we have here, and the mixture of cultures and peoples that live here. I have been so lucky to grow up here experiencing these endless opportunities, but in this course, I am excited to see things from a new perspective and place myself into new shoes.

One current story that I have been following is the Trans Mountain pipeline and the battle and effects of this issue on the first nations communities along the pipelines. I found this particular article interesting as it looks at the fact that first nations communities want to buy the pipeline as opposed to stopping it due to concern for the nature. This is such a hearty issue that is so representative of the lack of respect that our government has had for the first peoples, and that even in our country of changing mosaics there are still so many holes and issues.

I look forward to getting to know you guys and having conversations with you! Thank you for reading my first post!


Works cited:


“Our Story.” Reconciliation Canada Our Story Comments, https://reconciliationcanada.ca/about/history-and-background/our-story/.


“’I Wanna Own This Thing’: Meet the Indigenous Groups Trying to Buy the Trans Mountain Pipeline | CBC News.” CBCnews, CBC/Radio Canada, 5 Oct. 2019, https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/trans-mountain-pipeline-first-nations-purchase-1.5279387.



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