Ooh Canada

Lesson 2:2 – What Home Means to Us

A reflection on 6 blogs and our shared values, stories and ideals of home.

I took a look at the blogs of Chase Thompson, Lilly McLellan, Georgia Masaki, Megan Cameron, Sophie Defesh and Eva Dvorak. I read each of their stories and first reflected on the similarities not only between my own sense of home but also across the board between all seven of us. It was not surprising how overlapping our senses of home were, rooted in the base that home is a feeing instead of a concrete concept. I compiled a list of all of these shared qualities of what we deem home that can be found in all 7 of our blogs, though presented in different ways.

Commonalities between perceptions of home

  • Unconditional love
  • Accepted as who you are
  • A feeling instead of a structural place
  • Home is a feeling
  • Home is where the heart is
  • Situated with people whom you love and who love you
  • Intertwined with landscape and nature
  • Home is familiarity whatever that may be
  • Family is home

These were all of the shared values I found between myself and my colleagues notions of home, with the prevailing one being that home is a mixture of many elements, from family to country to building to people all rolled into one to create the true meaning of what home is. I also found some differences between my sense of home and my peers, most predominantly the distinction between myself who has lived in the exact same place my entire life to people such as Lilly and Megan who have lived in multiple “homes.” At the end of the day this assignment was very interesting to read about how similar yet how vastly different my peers and I’s views are on what home means to us!

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