Hi Erika,

These are the 3 blog assignments I am submitting for midterm marking. So far, I have connected the best with these three assignments and look forward to hearing your comments on them. Thank you for taking the time to read them and I hope you enjoy!

Assignment 1:5

This is the assignment where we learned and evaluated on storytelling. I had a lot of fun getting to be creative and reflect on story telling as more of a process. I hope you can see what I learned in this assignment and enjoy my creative side!


Assignment 2:2

Throughout this week I really enjoyed hearing everyone’s perspectives on what ‘home’ means to them. Home is something that is so important to me so being able to reflect and share was very special in a course. Following it up with comparing and contrasting my views of home with those of my classmates was eye opening and brought us closer as a class – I felt. Thanks for the fun assignment!


Assignment 2:4

I have really enjoyed Thomas King’s work and especially liked this assignment. I really appreciate his storytelling voice and enjoyed reflecting on his conflicting stories of “The Earth Diver” and “Genesis”. I hope that you enjoy my analysis of the dichotomies present in his work.
