Brands I Want To See More Of On Campus

Our campus is defined by many things, its history, the ocean, its landmarks and the students. They are what defines UBC and makes it such a great (or not-so-great depending on your perspective) place to go to school. However, there are a few aspects that I think could be improved through the incorporation of several brands on this fair campus.


Because the current one we have in the sub is like half a subway that takes twice as long to make you a sandwich and doesn’t follow any of their sweet promotions (i.e 5 dollar Foot Longs)


If my marketing class has taught me anything, its that 4/5 of their entire customer base goes to UBC. I don’t want to have to go downtown/to Oakridge to have to get my keyboard cleaned. They already have a sales staff at the Bookstore, just incorporate the IT into it. Can’t be too hard.


I realize this isn’t a brand yet. But if Wyatt Hamilton ever hopes to get an audience at any one of his games this needs to happen. How are we as students supposed to show any school spirit when we can’t even afford to buy liquid spirit ($4.00 for half a beer? Get real!) I’m thinking this place needs to be like POITS but for everyone.


Because we need some clothing  stores on campus. And if your one of those people “too manly” for Lululemon, you’ve obviously never worn their sweatpants.


I know what you’re thinking. We already have 2 Tim Hortons, we have 6 Starbucks and many other coffee houses. Why would we ever need another coffee house on campus. Well, I’m talking a real Tim Hortons. Not these ridiculous only-serving-frozen-baked-goods-and-coffee-close-at-4 o’clock Tim Horton’s that exist in the Forestry building and below David Lam. These are a sham of the great organization and quite frankly an embarrassment to it. I didn’t realize I had such a brand loyalty to this piece of Canadiana until I saw the price tag of coffee at Starbucks and others. Then I quickly became a crusader of fighting the good fight and seeingthis to the end.

Similar to UBC Tim Hortons

We need a coffee house on campus that is open all hours, where we can order things with small, medium and large (instead of the ridiculous pretentious coffee house sizes), a place that serves soup and sandwiches (aka real food besides donuts that were frozen an hour earlier) at affordable prices and that will significantly cut the line down at the DLam Timmy Ho’s. I shouldn’t have to wait 45 minutes for a medium single single. That’s absurd.

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