Driving Cell Safe

September 29th, 2010

In this country, almost everyone has a car. In this day and age, almost everyone has a cell phone as well. Combine both, and you could very well have an accident on your hands. Technology has advanced greatly over the past decade, and now it is quite common to see many people carrying a phone that not only allows you to talk to someone wirelessly, but also permits you to text, check your email, browse facebook, and much more. With more to pay attention to on your phones, it was almost impossible for cellphone-based car accidents not to happen.

These commercials have been out for a while now, but they still have the ability of drawing your attention each time.

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I think these commercials were well done; they definitely chose a good direction to follow. The tone is dead serious, and it appeals to everyone who drives and has a cell phone (a rather large target audience). It is very clear that the cellphones were the causes of the accidents. It gets your attention, and then shoves the message into your mind. It’s not selling a product either, so it’s almost like a break from other commercials. Of course, you still see people “above the law” on their phones while driving, but that is definitely no fault of ICBC’s.

There was one thing I didn’t (actually, still don’t) like about the drivecellsafe commercials. It ends with “using a handheld cellphone while driving is not only illegal, it’s dangerous. The last bit seems weird to me because it’s in the WRONG ORDER. An activity being illegal is almost a given for it being dangerous or harmful. These phrases are supposed to go from like degree one to degree two, and it’s awkward if they don’t. It’s almost like saying “Smoking cigarettes not only gives you cancer, it’s bad for you!” or “She not only has a doctorate, but a bachelor’s degree!” The ending would have sounded much better if it ended with “is not only dangerous, it’s illegal. That would make much more sense, especially since a new law actually came into effect making the activity illegal. Anyway, drive cellsafe, marketing friends!

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