
by Graham Hand

Richard Branson is an icon I inspire about and maybe one of the most influential humans in the world. His blog is a direct link to his personal life and career as well to other successful entrepreneurs. Such insight can be used as a tool for young entrepreneurs and students like myself. What I find most interesting and useful about Virgin’s blog is the section for entrepreneurs. This section is very relate able to the content we learn in comm 101. For instance: corporate culture, innovation, marketing strategies and start ups are all shared concepts.

The most interesting post I have read is by Joel Runyon who wrote about creating your own corporate culture and to abandon the stereotypical culture of starting at “8:00 am sharp” as he describes it. Culture is the first factor I take in consideration when I apply for a job or when I was applying for university and I bet the majority of the world does as well. In the future I would like to work in an environment similar to that of Google’s where promotion of creativity and innovation is the corporate culture. This dream seems to be very large and far ahead of me. Richard Branson once said “Dream big by setting yourself seemingly impossible challenges, you then have to catch up with them.”


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Story written by Graham Hand


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