Whenever I write an “official” email, I always start with my name and what I’m studying at UBC. For example:

“Dear reviewer,

My name is Iva Jankovic and I am a third year Urban Planning student in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems at UBC.”

excerpt from random job application

I don’t know if other people do this as well, but I’m kind of getting tired of it. Because I am so much more than what I am studying, even though it describes me pretty well. I have a past, a present, and a future. I do many things and I am many things.

I have created this website to showcase some of my work, experiences, achievements, and interests. Perhaps you will look through here and find something that interests you, or inspires you, or that we have in common. Perhaps you are my future employer, in which case, it is wonderful to meet you, and I hope I have made a memorable impression.

Please contact me if you have any questions or just want to get in touch!
