People | Planet | Prosperity

The ultimate killer

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Welcome back! I have never been very involved in sustainability that is why reading each day about it has allowed me to understand the gravity of the situation. I have realized that the world has a common enemy, the ultimate killer, called Plastic. The problem is that it is a non-recycle material that it is everywhere. Therefore, it is essential that we replace it and ban it. There are three main pillars to confront the ecological crisis: Companies, Consumers, and Governments. All three have enough power and need each other to…read more


The best clothes are made out of…plastic?

Posted by in Sustainability and Fashion

Welcome back! In my previous post, I mentioned the Circle of Hope and why it is important for companies to think about the recycling of their products. Surprisingly, many companies are adopting it little by little, especially those involved in the fashion industry. Due to the increase of trends in this industry, there are some companies based in fast fashion offering cheap and low quality products. The fast fashion is creating an environmental crisis. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, in 2012, 84% of unused clothes goes to a landfill…read more


The Circle of Hope?

Posted by in Sustainability Marketing

Welcome back! A few days ago, I discovered that the linear supply chain is changing into a circular supply chain. You might wonder what does the supply chain have to do with sustainability? The answer is: Everything. The circular supply chain is based on sustainability while the linear supply chain is not. Today, I will explain the differences between them and some companies that are integrating a circular supply chain that I call, the “circle of hope”. Our system is based in a linear supply chain being “the steps it…read more


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