People | Planet | Prosperity

The Circle of Hope?

Posted by in Sustainability Marketing

Welcome back! A few days ago, I discovered that the linear supply chain is changing into a circular supply chain. You might wonder what does the supply chain have to do with sustainability? The answer is: Everything. The circular supply chain is based on sustainability while the linear supply chain is not. Today, I will explain the differences between them and some companies that are integrating a circular supply chain that I call, the “circle of hope”. Our system is based in a linear supply chain being “the steps it…read more


Greenwashing alert!

Posted by in Sustainability Marketing

A few days ago, a friend of mine was talking about green products and the existence of a very rare and unique term: greenwashing. At the moment I heard her talking about this concept, I knew my next blog post should be about it. So what is “greenwashing“? It is a marketing strategy used by many, not to say thousands, of companies to sell their products as “environmentally” friendly but in reality the product life-cycle and the product it self is not at all environmentally friendly.  So just like not…read more


What about sustainability marketing?

Posted by in Sustainability Marketing

“We are living in 1.3 planets but we only have one” said Jason Clay on his TED Talk called How Big Brands can help save biodiversity. Like Jason Clay, many people and movements have tried to generate awareness of environmental and social problems since the 1950’s. This awareness has increased drastically due to social media and has inspired people to take part on this concern. The last video I have seen about sustainability is “Dear Future Generations: Sorry” by Stand for Trees. I believe that they really transmit what sustainability…read more


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