
PROJECT 3: Enhancing Green Networks and Fabric

Deadline #1: March 25 Draft site-wide propositions and proposed zoom study.
Final deadline: Friday, April 12.

Proj3_EnhancingGreen Networks&Fabric_190303

SCHEDULE for April 1 and 3 input sessions  April 1 & 3 meetings schedule_rev

Precedent study links (look for example projects on these sites):
American Forests

Landscape Architects Network
Landscape Performance Series (case studies)
Naturally Resilient Communities: Green Streets
Naturally Resilient Communities: Strategies

Places Journal

Project for Public Spaces

US EPA Green Infrastructure

US EPA Green Streets

Street cross-section design/drawing tool: StreetMix
(It does not seem to have green infrastructure- you have to modify results in Photoshop)

2 sample projects from 2017:

– The Assignment is very different this time.
– Last year they had to include what was Project 2 this year in this assignment- so it has a lot more content.
– They had far less time and zero input on the zoom studies so they are far more sketchy and short than this year’s projects.

Site 8_FinalSubmission_secure

Site 13_secure

PROJECT 2: Analyzing the Green Network and Fabric

Deadline: Teams will present their projects on either February 25 or 27. PDFs of presentations to be submitted to canvas on February 27.

Project 2 Presentations Schedule_revised

Download assignment:  Proj2_Analyzing Green Networks and Fabric-190121_revised

Project 2 Sites and Teams:  Project 2 Sites and Teams_chart
(A grey bar beside several teams means sites are adjacent)

2017 Example student presentations
NOTE: The teams were four people; the sites were larger; they had to do more analysis; these are not necessarily the strongest nor weakest projects and you will find some errors.
17_Project 2 Part 1 presentations_10-13_secure

PROJECT 1 OVERVIEW: Green Networks & Fabric of Vancouver

Deadline: In-class review January 16, 2019 and submit PDF to Canvas sit by 11:59 pm on the same day.

Assignment Outline: Proj1_GreenNetworks&Fabric_final

Templates: MicrosoftWordTemplate        InDesignTemplate

Project 1 References:
Metro Vancouver Summary Maps

Metro Vancouver Regional Parks Map

Vancouver Scale Biodiversity Maps

Vanplay  (Vancouver’s new parks and recreation plan under development)

Vancouver Parks Map

VanMaps for Neighbourhood Areas


PRECEDENT STUDIES (Graduate Students only)

Deadline: These presentations will occur on January 28 and 30. PDFs to be uploaded on Canvas by January 30th at 11:59 pm.

Assignment Outline: 2019_Precedents