Category Archives: Uncategorized

Various Design Guidelines

After chatting with a few groups, I thought I might share some design guidelines I have found over the years that have helped me.

Rain Garden & Restorative Native Plant List (Compiled by me, this resource isn’t the most comprehensive)

Oregon Rain Garden Guide

EPA Green Street Design Guide

Seattle Green Roof Design Guide

Seattle Growing Food in Planting Strips Guide

Vancouver Urban Agriculture Garden Guide

Southeast False Creek Public Realm Enrichment Guide

Vancouver Urban Songbird Landscape Guide

Metro Vancouver – Maximizing Climate Adaptation Benefits with Trees 

April 1 and April 3 meetings re Project 3

See the Assignment 3 tab for the schedule of meetings with Cynthia and the TAs about Project 3. These “input sessions” are an great opportunity to get some feedback about your ideas. You must attend your scheduled session to get your attendance grade for April 1 AND April 3. You do not need to come to class both days- only for your scheduled appointment.

Teams and their sites

I created a listing of the teams and their sites for Project 2.See Assignments> Project 2.

See where other sites are. For several teams you have another team either adjacent or slightly overlapping with yours. This is interesting because when it comes to making propositions you can collectively propose bigger ideas. Cynthia

Monday’s class

Hi everyone:
We have had challenges sorting out the teams for Project 1 and getting you in touch with each other. On Monday I will keep the lecture short and plan to give you about 45 minutes to work together as a team in the classroom. That will also give you a chance to ask any questions that come up.
Regards, Cynthia