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The Nothern Gateway pipeline is necessary. The Conservative government has recently given it the go-ahead because of it’s instrumental ability to boost the entire Canadian economy. Yet there are forces that stand in the way of this multi-billion dollar economic powerhouse: the Native-American coalition hell-bent on keeping Enbridge off of their ancestral land.Pipeline_at_Kuparuk

Over the past years, and certainly into late 2015, Enbridge and the Canadian government have been working tirelessly to slowly win over and sign on the 40-plus Native bands that have land affected by the pipeline. These bands are necessary for the pipeline’s success as they are creators of key trends.

Specifically, Native-American bands like the Nak’azdli affect Enbridge’s regulatory, societal and cultural trends. They force the giant corporation to step gently and safeguard the environment as well as take decisive steps to prevent spillage and maintain the cultural significance of the land. Even with these concessions, and how Enbrige is more than willing to share in the profits of the pipeline, bands like the Nak’azdli are still vehemently opposed to the pipeline.

I believe this position to be hypocritical. The Naz’azdli and every other Native band are reliant on gas stations and fossil fuels for power and employment, yet cry foul when it does not suit them perfectly.

Though the Naz’azdli’s position influences the pipeline’s development and design in a way that is undoubtably positive for the environment, I strongly believe that for the good of not only their economy, but that of all of Canada, that they should accept that they have made a critical difference as a external factor on Enbridge’s business model and take a financial cut, shake hands, stand in a neat row and help convince other reluctant Native bands that sometimes minimal sacrifices must be made so that 33 million individual’s economy can benefit.

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