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UBC is home to close to 50,000 students who are here to learn, live and have the time of their lives. The experience for most UBC students, Canadian-born or international, is nothing short of excellent as this university provides one of the most sought after post-secondary educations in North America.

'I learned how to say 'sod the poor' in Latin.'

To maintain the teaching quality, infrastructure, food, residence, and resources available to students here, UBC needs substantial sums of money. Its greatest tool to increase revenue is to increase tuition.

This hot topic is on the forefront of everyone’s minds here on campus.

I don’t see why everyone is complaining.

Yes, granted, UBC is about equality, and the 10% tuition raise for international students now tips the scales so that national and international students are, all Canadian taxes included, no longer paying equal amounts, with international students shouldering extra costs, but they are in no position to complain. Brown University, the Ivy-League, ranked lower globally for quality of education costs around 62,000 dollars per year. At UBC, even the most “outrageous” tuitions are not even two-thirds of that sum.

Here at UBC, we enjoy a world-class education, and there is simply no viable way to maintain the same standard in a difficult economy without raising funds.

So, if I may be so bold as to give advice to the students who find this tuition raise an outrage, I say this: If you don’t want to pay the tuition hike, don’t. All you’ll need to do is find another university of equal value to call your home.

Best of luck.

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