Blog Assignment #1

Richmond women accuses McDonald’s of discrimination

Richmond women Hai Xia Sun saids that the manager of McDonald’s at No.3 road refused to service her because she can’t speak English.

She was ordering a hot chocolate but was given a Mocha coffee. It was a line behind her while she was trying to explain to the manager. The employee and the manager was frustrated and told her to leave.

Although Sun’s family is looking for apology, McDonald insisted that it was a misunderstanding. Customer outside is also concerned about this issue. They think McDonald should communicate to their employees well, they also need to shorten the language gap.

In my opinion, McDonald’s is a international company, in this kind of situation, what McDonald’s need to do is not explaining how this is a misunderstanding. What they need to do is give a formal apologize, and also considering give their customers multi language service.

Stakeholders in this situation:

  • The manager and employees at McDonald’s at No.3 road.
  • McDonald’s company
  • Miss Sun and her family
  • New immigrants in Richmond

I recommended McDonald to:

  • Apologize to Miss Sun and her family
  • Considering multi language service.
  • Pay attention to employee training

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