Blog Assignment #2

Taking a bit out of Apple

Xiaomi, often described as China’s answer to apple, is actually quite different.

This news article compares Apple with a Chinese mobile phone company– Xiaomi. Xiaomi  had recently launch their new phone– Mi-3.

Financially, Apple is now selling more phones than Xiaomi. But Xiaomi as a new company (found in 2010) has grow really fast. In the second quarter of 2013, Xiaomi’s market share in China is officially more than Apple for the first time.

As the price, Xiaomi is way more affordable than the iPhone 5s or 5c. Although Apple has just launched iPhone 5c– which is a little cheaper than original iPhone 5, targeting Asian market, Xiaomi is way more affordable. The reason why Xiaomi is that cheap is they sell their phone online.

Xiaomi is even develop apps and games with Google. Which drags more attention.


In my opinion, what Xiaomi is trying to do is to build up brand identity. Compares with some mobile phone companies nowadays, they keep saying they are nothing like Apple, and design their product and software in a completely different way. I believe this is a good thing because a unique brand identity can helps consumers to differentiate different products. Look at mobile phone market today, there are many smart phones that are designed like iPhone. But Xiaomi use Android system and designed their phone in a different shape. It makes them stands out from the market.


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