Blog Assignment #10

Should You Allow Your Employees to Nap While on the Job?

More and more companies are now encouraging employees to take nap during their working hours. Evidences show that companies encourage napping on the job gain a significant increase in productivity.
This blogger encourage companies to consider taking this action into their workplace because it can effectively increase alertness, productivity and moods. Meanwhile, analysis shows that cost of not having enough rest during the day could cost company more– the chances of having errors and accidents would increase and employees would be more demotivated.
In this case, providing employees nap time is not only a take that increase productivity, but also an act that motivates employees and creates better company culture. Under this kind of environment, employees would work with the feeling that their body condition are being valued– company does not use them as working machines. Employees loyalty would increase and they can be better motivated. Especially for employees that work at creative field, this can help them to think more creatively.
To implement this “nap-friendly” workplace, the blogger suggest to “delicate a room for napping”– placing beds and pillows in the room and change lighting for better sleeping environment. Although I can’t agree with that more, I believe setting a longer napping period is a more budget friendly option. Companies can extend their lunch hour that allows employees to take naps.

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