Blog Assignment #7

Tourism boom misses Canada

    Canada has no longer been the first choice for tourists from the whole world– it’s ranking in world most popular destination has been dropped from 2nd place (1970) to 18th today. It causes billions of losses for Canadian government per year.
    To gain international tourists back is essential to Canada because evidences show that foreign visitors are stimulating countries’ export and helping to widen the product range that Canada would sale. Its a important revenue stream considering nowadays famous destinations in Canada are not that attractive compares to 30 years ago.
    There are three main causes for this phenomenon: high prices for traveling, decreasing number of American visitors and rising competitions from other destinations in other countries. To gain more tourists, what Canadian government can do is breaking the barriers that hold up the development of Canadian tourism. Like speeding up the visa process and reducing taxes. Facing the competition of other countries, it is important for Canadian destinations to be creative and promoting more products and packages that attracts more foreign customers. It is also necessary for Canadian government to invest more in tourism industry since its an important revenue stream for Canada.

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