Week 1 and 2, Post 2: When you are ill

In James JT’s “A new, evidence-based estimate of patient harms associated with hospital care,” he discusses the reviews of the medical records of patients who were treated in New York hospitals. The research pointed out that about 98,000 people die every year because of medical errors. I find that this article points out a huge problem in the medical system. I think it may be related to the fact that there are too many patients and not enough doctors. You often hear of doctors working extremely long hours, and they are not able to keep up with the high demand. I think that this may have something to do with the fact that so many people are dying because doctors are making mistakes. I should also note that I believe the process of allowing people to become doctors might be too relaxed. Because there is such a high need for doctors, medical schools might not be as strict about who enters the industry. I also want to raise another question about the school system itself, and state that these medical schools are largely interested in increasing their own profits, rather than being completely concerned with allowing only the most qualified individuals to graduate from medical school. This research really shows the need to take treating people more seriously in order for the number of deaths to be decreased, but ultimately I think it expresses the need for more qualified doctors.

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