Critical Response to Juno

Critical response to Juno

Juno reveals the issues that are going on with the rise in the teenage birth rate. The film makes the presence of teenage birth to be something that is relatively attractive. The movie raises some interesting questions about the challenges there are in dealing with teenage pregnancy. I would have thought the movie would have been much more delicate in the way that it handled the subject matter, but I actually found it to be extremely liberal in the treatment. I also read quite a few reviews about the movie that agreed with my perspective. The people who opposed the liberal treatment of teenage pregnancy were called Hollywood moralizers, and I think this is something that is very accurate and very needed. Without having these types of reviews, it would be extremely difficult to have a sober second thought when it comes to the treatment of this material. However, at the same time, I think that those who are watching and who are teenagers are significantly influenced by the content that is going on in the film. The movie does not talk about the fact that there should be an emotional connection with a person in order for them to have intercourse with them, or the fact that there should be some component of love. Instead, it treats the idea of getting pregnant and having intercourse with someone when there is no emotional connection as being something that is relatively normal. The movie contributes to the unevolved culture that is currently perpetuating in society where people go around and have sex with each other because they feel that it is something that is healthy or normal. In actuality, there should be an emotional connection with the person in order for the sex to be something other than primal.

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