Compare similar “spaces” in two author’s creative works

There are similarities in the works of Leslie Robertson and Maria Campbell. Robertson discusses the ideas of the home and place and makes this a component of the narrated realities of the 14 women who used drugs and lived with HIB in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. The story refers to the transgressions, negotiations, and accommodations that they make in their specific social area. It is through this community identification of one’s community. “Taming Space: Drug use, HIV, and homemaking in Downtown Eastside Vancouver,” takes a very grassroots approach to the information about the subject matter. It discusses the nuances in the community that works to create a primary source piece of literature.

This is similar to the way that Maria Campbell completes her novel “Stories of the Road Allowance People.” In this book, she uses the stories of the elders to tell her tales of the community in which she grew up. Both of the texts use storytelling to paint a picture for the reader and to help communicate the various ideas that are present in the text. Through this form of storytelling, both texts are able to identify many of the challenges that these First Nations people were experiencing in their lives. They show the options, or lack of options, that are available to these people, and this is accomplished in both texts through their ability to gain input from the people who are experiencing the challenges.

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