
Flight path summary:

When I started ETEC 565A my focus for this course was to expand my existing skillset and to reevaluate the way I presently use technology in the classroom. My experience in a business environment where technology was an integral component for success has fostered in me the mindset that technology must also be an integral component for success in teaching. For this reason I have used many different technological tools in my classes driven mostly by my preferences rather than sound pedagogical reasons. Though I have learned a great deal using this method, I wanted to provide my students with a richer learning environment which I know required me to reevaluate my approach. Specifically the area that I was looking to improve was my use of Moodle as it is the major technological tools that I use regularly in my classroom. To expand my skillset I wanted to be introduced to new tools and ideas coupled with the rationale on why and how to use them effectively in the classroom. From this context I began my ETEC 565A experience, looking to see if my overall expectations for this course would be realized.

Reflection on eLearning toolkit experience

The eLearning toolkit was a well balanced mix of different technological tools that introduced me to various methods of eLearning. As I have previous experience creating websites, as well as taking various web design courses from BCIT, I am quite familiar with web design and html coding. I enjoyed reading through the various websites listed in the eLearning wiki “Web design and HTML authoring” as they were good reminders of preferential designing methods.

The topic of synchronous versus asynchronous discussions created a lot of thought for me on how to handle discussions in my classroom. As my classes are not teacher led and students work through courses at their own pace, students are never at the same point in the course. Though I understand the benefit of discussion I thought a valid class discussion would not be possible in this setting. Reading “Teaching in an Online Learning Context” by Anderson made me look again at the idea of having asynchronous discussions in my classroom. To facilitate this I will create a forum where each student will add one post and reply to a previous students post. As more and more students make their way through the course the discussion will grow creating a discourse over time.  Although it is not as beneficial as if all students were discussing simultaneously, I do believe that there is still a benefit to this approach.

With the weblogs my learning was based on reflecting on how the blog was used in this course as a learning tool. Through my personal experience with the blog assignments in this course I felt that the process required me to rationalize my approach as well as allowing me to reflect on my experience. I felt that this approach allowed me to gain a greater understanding of what I have accomplished.

The DVD authoring section, though not extremely valuable, exposed me to a tool that I could use if the need ever arose.

Creating a digital story was a new experience for me that demonstrated to me the power of a story and creating a common place for people. While creating the video on I found it frustrating to search for appropriate images from the creative commons to support my vision for the project. However upon reflection I do appreciate the learning involved in this process. Looking at my own learning in the MET courses I noticed the reliance of fellow classmates on reiterating their own experiences in the classroom. Naturally we as people learn through stories and experiences and often this holds more meaning as it creates a common place where people relate to the topic and emotions involved. For this reason I will create a few assignments and learning tools that will incorporate the idea of digital storytelling.


Creating a wiki together as a whole class I felt was too confusing and it really needed to be done in a smaller group. I found there were too many discussions with not enough leadership resulting in a mass amount of ideas but not enough consensuses.

Moodle Main Navigation Page

Moodle main navigation page

For me the most useful assignment was creating the Moodle course and quiz. Originally I knew that I needed to push beyond my level of comfort with Moodle to enhance my abilities. This process allowed me to create a different model that is more interactive for students and a better example of formative assessment. Creating the Moodle course was also very beneficial from a design and navigational aspect. In future I will try this new style of quiz in some of my courses to test if the results really do match my expectations.

Reflection on ETEC565A experience

At first when I looked at the course I was concerned that there would not be enough new material that would make the course worthwhile for me. In the end this was not the case and it was a great learning experience. Hearing the different viewpoints whether from the articles, fellow classmates or the instructor definitely challenged my understanding and moved me forward. I liked that there was not too much reading required each week which allowed me more time for reflection and I feel like I learned more this way. I did like the Bates and Poole (2003) SECTIONS framework as it gave me a filter on which to judge my rational for using new technology.  Now if I look at implementing a new idea I refer back to this framework and rethink why I am doing this. The rest of my experience was equally positive and is best summarized in my eLearning toolkit experience.

Reflection on what technology you will use going forward.

Upon reflection of the last two years working in the classroom as a secondary school teacher and online as a MET student, I realize that I have progressed significantly. The most significant aspect is my viewpoint on technology and how it has changed from being novelty driven to a very rational and justified approach. This summer I intend to update my site with the newest WordPress, Joomla, JomSocial and Moodle and rework my courses using the new model that I followed in my Moodle course assignment.

I intend on enrolling in in August once my MET courses are finished. I want to explore the option of programming apps for the classroom as well as learning various coding to use with programs such as Unity and Opensim. Unity would be used to create games for the classroom and Opensim would be used to create virtual simulations and integrations with Moodle. Due to the complicated nature of these ideas I realize that this is a long term goal that will take a great deal of time before my plans come to fruition.

I intend on being the technology facilitator for my school which will mean dealing with all of the technological issues that arise. I will also make a technology plan of how to deal with technology going forward. In addition I have applied to become the department head of technology for all the learning centers. The purpose would be to support teachers in their use of technology in the classroom as well as dealing with the overall technology issues that exist. I would accomplish this by identifying the needs that exist and what technology teachers are comfortable with. I intend to look at the teacher’s needs and then provide scaffolding to encourage them into a solution that would work for them. I will also be teaching teachers through Professional development days of which I have already offered three in the last two years. Overall I have many plans in regards to how technology will play a part in my teaching career and I look forward to being a lifelong learner as well as sharing with my peers.



Anderson, T. (2008). Teaching in an Online Learning Context.  In: Anderson, T. & Elloumi, F. Theory and Practice of Online Learning. Athabasca University.

Bates, A.W. & Poole, G. (2003). Chapter 4: a Framework for Selecting and Using Technology. In Effective Teaching with Technology in Higher Education: Foundations for Success. (pp. 77-105). San Francisco: Jossey Bass Publishers.

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