
Digital Story using Stupeflix

This assignment was my first attempt at a digital story and through this experience I learned about the many difficulties involved in using web 2.0 programs. The main issue I experienced was finding a program and material that would allow me to fulfill my creative vision. My idea for the story originated from the drug issue that is currently prevalent at my school. The story of Hannah is a fictitious story but it is meant to be viewed by my students as a starting point to promote further discussion.

The decision process for choosing a web 2.0 program on the CogDogRoo webpage involved me carefully evaluating which program would allow me to create a video that integrated music, images and either text or speech.  Normally I would just use Adobe Premier and then upload the finished video to YouTube. As this was not an option I started going through the various features offered by the different companies. I felt like my creativity was controlled by what various companies offered free as many of the features I desired required a paid subscription. To complicate the process many of the programs listed no longer functioned as they had been discontinued. The number of dead url’s for the Domino examples made me question using any program where the final product resides only on the company’s servers. I wanted a program that allows my project to be exported so I can always retain a copy. In the end I decided to go with which offered a free suitable soundtrack, simple format and effects processing that worked well with my video.

The next issue I dealt with was how to search for images that I could incorporate into my video. I decided on Google image’s advance search that searched for images that allowed for reuse with modifications. As attribution requirements were not explicitly defined I placed a reference at the end of the video.  The page is hard to read as automatically pans each picture and a clear overview of that page was not possible. Quality photos were difficult to find using this licensing type and the results often showed amateur pictures from Flickr and Tumblr. My original idea was to use several pictures of random people and turn them into fictitious characters in my story. Though the pictures legally allowed me to use the pictures I did not feel right about taking pictures of people and depict them as a drug addict or dealer. As a result I decided to go with very few people images which I believe enhanced the overall product.

The program was easy to use and I like that they had suitable music already available. Once I had the pictures and content it was easy to arrange them and create the overall video. I did not like that I only had one free export so I needed to make sure I was happy with the final video before I could publish it. As I needed to log into my account to view the video I could only receive feedback from people I knew before publishing the video.

The course where I would be showing this video would be Planning 10. I would have students view the video and then comment in a discussion forum about their impressions of the story. I believe that the combination of image, text and music communicate a very powerful message that text alone cannot. I also plan to show this video as an example for an assignment in my Planning 10 course. I would have students choose a topic or issue discussed in the course to create their own video using I would have the students then post their video on my website and have others comment on their videos. This strategy is an example of constructivism where students are actively constructing their knowledge of the topic through the process of creating a video and reflecting on their peer’s critiques.

Overall this was an interesting experience where I did learn more about the difficulties and advantages of creating a digital story. I do not believe I will personally use many of these web 2.0 programs as I have offline programs that I prefer to use such as Adobe Premier. However these tools do provide a simple online alternative for students to complete their assignments and for them to learn through active experimentation.


Bates, A.W. & Poole, G. (2003). Chapter 4: a Framework for Selecting and Using Technology. In Effective Teaching with Technology in Higher Education: Foundations for Success. (pp. 77-105).

Von Glasersfeld, E. (2008). Learning as a Constructive Activity. AntiMatters, 2(3), 33-49.


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