Countless assignments, meetings, and cups of tea later, 13 weeks of school has ended in a blink of an eye. It is daunting to realize how quickly time flies, but looking back upon this semester I would say a memorable class would be my Marketing class. Not only was it my earliest class this term, but also my only class with a group assignment.

I have a bittersweet reaction when professors let us choose our teams- Sweet for I can choose a group with some like-minded friends; Bitter because I may not have any friends in that class, let alone 6. Luckily, the group I was in comprised of both friends and strangers who soon bonded together.

As with any group, the first assignment was a test to see each individual’s strengths and weaknesses from which we built upon and perfected by the third group assignment. For the last assignment I feel that our group chose a unique idea for our video with our Pepisco version of “Draw my Life.” We were able to utilize the artistic, research analysis, and editing abilities of the team to capture our analysis of the company, Pepsico. Upon our analysis, I was amazed to see the plethora of sub-brands Pepsico offers, and the global attention this company receives.

Rather than having a final presentation, I feel that making the third assignment a video project made for great team bonding and practice of real-life marketing tools. The marketing field not only calls for creativity and presenting our pitch, but also to practice skills such as video editing and company analysis.  It was interesting to learn more about the Pepsico brand, as well as present our analysis in a creative video with a team I enjoyed working with.