Pub Club November 1st


The intent of this event is to facilitate grad students in nursing to get together over drinks to chat about ideas – what to publish, how to publish, and perhaps whether some people want to work together to publish. This Tuesday’s event will hopefully be the first of many – we hope to get together monthly – and we’ll start by hearing from fellow students with experience publishing about first steps to publication and discuss what we’d like to accomplish over the next couple of months.

What: Drinks, Introductions, Chat about pearls and pitfalls of publishing
When: TUESDAY November 1, 2011 at 5pm (to 6:30pm)
Where: Mahoney’s (on Campus – University Blvd. and Wesbrook Mall)
Why: Get to know some grad students in nursing outside your year and programme and collaborate to contribute to nursing knowledge!
Hope to see you there!


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