Upcoming Pub Club Events


The GSNA’s Pub Club has an exciting line-up of topics for 2012! Please join your fellow nursing graduate students every 2nd Thursday of each month (except in February, it’s the third week) @ 4:30pm at Mahoney and Sons on campus for a drink and informal conversation about publishing and getting your research out there!

Without further adieu, here is the schedule of up coming Pub Clubs (so mark your calendars)!

January 12th (next Thursday)
Topic: Marketing your research using social media
Facilitator: Cindy Masaro
Cindy is an incredibly dynamic PhD candidate in the SON. She has worked at the Center for Disease Control for over 10 years and this has fueled her passion for research involving women’s dating habits and sexual risk taking behaviour. Her research has been featured by a variety of  media outlets and she continues to push the envelope around how healthcare providers conceptualize women’s sexual behaviour. To read more, check out her website http://campaigns.hellocoolworld.com/index.cfm?campaign_id=22&campaign_page_id=23

February 16th
Topic: Publishing with a research team and avoiding conflict!
Facilitator: Katie Goldie and guest

March 8th
Topic: The dynamic role of the NP/PhD in research
Facilitator: Laura Housden

April 12th
Topic: Dealing with publication rejection: it happens to all of us!
Facilitator: Elaine Moody

The Pub Club also welcomes your questions about publishing (and real world examples) so bring them to the group to discuss. Everyone is welcome so please distribute this message widely and RSVP to Katie.Goldie@nursing.ubc.ca.

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