Election Nominees


Hi All!

Wondering who to vote for?

Below are short bios of the students running for executive positions.

1. Chair: Adam Luna

My name is Adam Luna, I am currently a first year MSN student, and I am asking that you support my nomination for the Graduate Student Nursing Association (GSNA) Chair Officer position. For the past four months, I have served as the GSNA Co-chair, representing MSN student interests at UBC School of Nursing. During this period I have learned the basic structure and function of the GSNA and its goal of providing a much needed service for graduate nursing student’s through an official student organization.

If I were to be elected as GSNA Chair Officer, my intention would be to continue serving the interests of GSNA membership on issues that impact graduate nursing student academia and professional student life at UBC. While representing the general interests of all graduate nursing students, as Chair I would help coordinate and oversee the various events and efforts carried out by the larger GSNA Executive and its members that aim to enhance and improve academic scholarship for graduate nursing students at UBC.

2. Co-chair: Jagbir Kohli

Jagbir is an excited first year PhD in Nursing student, after having completed her MN at University of Toronto and her BScN at McMaster

University.  She is currently working at the BC Cancer Agency as a nursing educator and her clinical background is in pediatric hematology and oncology.  She is looking forward to the opportunity to connect with the great minds of UBC nursing, both faculty and fellow graduate student and is hoping to become an executive member of the Graduate Nursing Student Association.


3. Activities and Events officer: Hanneke Croxen

My name is Hanneke Croxen and I am doctoral student focusing on rural maternity nursing. For the past three months I have been the Activities and Events officer for the GSNA. In that time I have made a numerous connections with faculty, staff, and students that have been essential to organizing activities and events. I am currently a co-chair of the symposium planning committee. My goal if elected is to help organize a symposium that can provide great learning opportunities for graduate students as presenters and attendees, and appeal to potential future graduate students. I also hope to strengthen our connections with Alumni and organize more events and workshops where students will have the opportunity to connect with faculty and to enhance their experiences as graduate students within the School of Nursing.


4. Communications officer: Wendy Masinde

I am currently an MSN student at UBC with research interests in health equity and access to health care in marginalized populations. A Registered Nurse with a BScN from Minnesota State University Moorhead and clinical experience in Medicine and Surgery, I work as a Graduate Research Assistant in the Critical Research in Health and Healthcare Inequities Research Unit at UBC.

I have been an active member of the GSNA, serving as a Student Representative in The Graduate Planning Committee and currently as a member of the Symposium Planning Committee and the Communications Committee. As a candidate for the GSNA Communications Officer I have experience with the complexities of the position.  I believe in the role of the GSNA in being a strong voice for graduate nursing voices in the UBC and the community at large. I hope to increase student engagement in the GSNA through more effective communications platforms, increase transparency increase the efficiency of communications such as email and the blog. Through this I hope to increase the visibility of graduate nurses in the UBC community at large. I hope I can count on your support.


5. Finance Officer: Laszlo Kamar

I have been a nurse for the last 14 years.  My experience is in critical care nursing and organ donation.  I am in the third year of completing my Masters Degree.  I strongly believe that professionalization of nursing add a tremendous value to nursing as a profession and to the health care system as a whole.  The more nurses able to complete their graduate degrees, the more advanced nursing will become.  I would like to support the graduate nursing students in their education journey through helping GSNA fulfill its mandate.


6. Administrative officer: Laurel Plewes

I’m Laurel Plewes, a first year MSN student and I’m excited to put my name forward for the nomination of Administrator Officer.  I was highly attracted to UBC because of the integrity and strength of the Nursing Graduate Program. I take pride in my work as a nurse and look forward to acting on a council that will create nursing leaders of tomorrow.  My previous experience as Health Care Administrator for a residential camp highlighted the need for individual collaboration and facilitation in order to produce a high quality experience.  Becoming an acting member of the GSNA will enable my involvement as well as foster important relationships between students, faculty and staff within the UBC and the broader nursing community.

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