Week # 2 – Cool Source of Information

Dear classmates,

Well, the second week of trading game is finished.

This week was more interesting for me because I think I have started understanding more the details of the future market.  So again there are a lot of information and new sources, I tried to pick only the interesting ones.

For this week check out please a website “Trading Charts” at http://futures.tradingcharts.com

I have found this website quite useful for technical and fundamental analyses. It has news on commodity markets, charts, and tables. Also, the website provides some tutorial on explanation of trading features.  For instances, there are explanations of hedging, price spreads, basis, and others. In addition, I found some advices on technical analysis how to understand charts and so on.

For some of you who are interested in understanding commodity future convergences there is a pdf file by CME group that explains some issues of convergences of contracts when they near to expiration dates. If you wish, it is available at  “http://www.cmegroup.com/trading/agricultural/files/AC422_WheatResearchPaper_FINAL_SR

Hope, you will find these sources useful and interesting.


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