The Benefits of Benefits; Reality or Misconceptions

            Different companies provide different types of benefits for their employees; while some may be cutting down these benefits, others are increasing theirs. Peter Cappelli writes a compelling blog on these said issues titled, “Google Adds Benefits, Wal-Mart Cuts Them; Oddly, the Logic Is the Same.” At first this title may raise questions, as it did for me. However, it refers to Wal-Mart cutting the benefits of their part-time staff as a means of cutting down costs due to the part-time staff being easily replaceable. On the other hand Apple increases their benefits to entice trained employees to continue working, thus reducing employee turnover.

            Taking a strong stance against Cappelli, where as he states that the added benefits from Silicon Valley companies such as compensation for female workers to have their eggs frozen, and added animal insurance does not help the company. I believe on the contrary. These added benefits entice employees to stay with the company. Compensation for women having their eggs frozen can actually increase a female’s willingness to put her career as a priority while at the same time not having to give up the chance to have a family. Reality wise, benefits decrease turnover ratios and save money for a company in the long run in the forms of training new employees, and also by having a healthy workforce.

Blue- Winners of the Physiologically Healthy Workplace Award Grey- National Average

To read the full post by Peter Cappelli click here.

-Gurinder Mahal

Works Cited:

Cappelli, Peter. “Google Adds Benefits, Walmart Cuts Them; Oddly, the Logic Is the Same.” Harvard Business Review. N.p., 7 Nov. 2014. Web. 10 Nov. 2014. <>.
O’Neil, Lauren. “Facebook, Apple Now Paying for Female Employees to Freeze Their Eggs – Your Community.” CBCnews. CBC/Radio Canada, 14 Oct. 2014. Web. 10 Nov. 2014. <>.

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