A 160 year Old Brand Promise


            Reading through the blogs of my peers, I was particular intrigued by the blog by my fellow first year, Christie Chau titled “Levi’s on the Rise”. Levi’s is a jean manufacturing company that way founded in 1853, over 160 years ago. Today Levi’s continues to prosper in the jean industry as a private company. What intrigued my interest in the blog however was that I could relate to the topic, Levi’s.

            Christie writes on the article by Marc Gunther titled “Levi Strauss seeks to slow down fast fashion with sustainable practices.” She stressed how the operations aspect of Levi’s continues to work on their brand promise of providing durable and premium quality products without sacrificing the working conditions of their employees.


            I chose to respond to this article because of my involvement in the Human Resources Management Club (HRMC) here at Sauder, and also due to the presentation by Danielle Van Jaarsveld, someone who I plan to work with in HRMC. Levi’s, as Christie mentions, can be commended on the challenges it overcame to provide their employees with a work atmosphere that the employees look forward to. Levi’s also works to cut back on the resources that they use to have a more sustainable and green business, as mentioned in the article by Gunther. To conclude I commend Christie for picking such a topic because it allowed for me to get a new view on an old company, while also being able to further relate aspects of Ethics and Human Resources, that I have learned in class, to the real world workplace.

If you would like to read further, read Christie’s blog by clicking here, or the full article by clicking here.

-Gurinder Mahal

Works Cited:

Chau, Christie. “Levi’s on the Rise.” Christie Chau’s Blog. UBC Blogs, 24 Sept. 2014. Web. 7 Nov. 2014. <https://blogs.ubc.ca/christiechau/2014/09/24/levis-on-the-rise/>.

Gunther, Marc. “Levi Strauss Seeks to Slow down Fast Fashion with Sustainable Practices.” The Gaurdian. Guardian Sustainable Business, 6 Nov. 2013. Web. 7 Nov. 2014. <http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/live-strauss-antidote-fast-fashion>.

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