Sample Training Plan


Sample Periodized Training Plan for our Trained, XC-Skier Steve

Over a 24 week macrocycle, we see the typical building of volume for a trained, 59 year old, male x-c skier.  In green we have rest weeks, allowing for recovery before further progression.

Above is the breakdown of resistance training type over the 6 month (mesocycle) training program.  In a sport like cross-country skiing, the hypertrophy can be done early as muscle size and strength are more crucial as groundwork for further strength training than for performance. We want muscles that can sustain work at a sub-maximal load for an extended duration, but also quick and powerful muscle so the focus is primarily endurance and power strength training.

The aerobic training is divided into zone training, as zone training is categorized by a percentage of HR Max.  To see the breakdown of heart rates for training zones click here.  We want to build a good aerobic base for cross-country skiing so there is mostly Zone 1 training, but incorporating some faster training later on in the plan.

Sample Weekly Plans for Performance in Cross-Country Skiing


The above graphs outline a schedule for Steve.  Requesting Saturdays off to spend time with family, and not working during the day, we were pretty adaptable to when his high intensity days were.  Starting small in Week 1 and Week 7, this is an example of an introduction to resistance training with volume in long-slow distance  (LSD) training. We progress into incorporating intervals (HIIT) into the plan and continue with intervals over the remainder of the plan.  To see the prescription for HIIT go to Aerobic Training Plan.  With our plans, we design rest periods following a heavy day.  Rest days in Steve’s plan are LSD days or full days off.

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