Warm Ups and Cool Downs

The Warm Up

Before starting any exercise, a warm up needs to be performed to get the blood pumping, muscles activated and joints lubricated for motion.  Depending on the intensity of the activity to be performed, the warm up will vary.  Below are some guidelines to follow when warming up for resistance training, and aerobic training in different training zones.

Resistance Training

For Hypertrophy Training, Power Training, Strength Training and Endurance Training, we at Vitality Fitness prescribe the following Warm-Up exercises: 

1) 5 minutes on Bike or Treadmill at Moderate Intensity

2) 10 reps of Body Weight Squats

3) 10 reps of Knee Push-Ups with alternating leg extensions

4) 30 seconds of Heisman (Don’t worry we’ll show you how) An alternate full body movement can be performed if Heisman is uncomfortable)



 Long-Slow Distance Training

Zone 1: In Zones 1 no warm-up is necessary, as the exercise in this zone is already of low-intensity and is a warm up in itself. Some light stretching should be done prior to exercise.

High Intensity Interval Training

Zones 2/3/4: These Zones require a a steady warm-up where the client’s heart rate is elevated to a moderate level; and the muscles that will be utilized are properly stretched to ensure muscle cramps and injuries do not ensue.

Prior to training at these higher intensities, the client should first start with stretching the muscles that will be utilized during that day’s workout. After which, they should proceed to your mode of choice to complete the workout (treadmill, running trail, road bike, elliptical) If you find yourself waiting around but want to keep warm and ready to work out try these movements:


Jumping Jacks





The Cool-Down:

Resistance Training: Cool down for at least 10 minutes of active recovery depending on the intensity of the set performed.  Allot 3-5minutes to walking or cycling at a light intensity, and devote the remaining time to performing some static and dynamic stretches.

Long Slow Distance: Static Stretches is an appropriate Cool Down, no active recovery is necessary at this level.

High Intensity Intervals: An Active Recovery should be done. Pending on the intensity of the workout, we prescribe 5-10 minutes at a moderate intensity on a Treadmill or Bike followed by 5 minutes of stretching muscles that were utilized.

Stretches for both Static and Dynamic can be found here.




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