2 Responses to The Evolution of an Online Community

  1. I’m one of those million plus. I discovered Vlog Brothers a couple years ago before I’d read Green’s books. I think this is an excellent forum for an author to connect with his/her audience. Librarians need to be up on these YouTube channels to share them with patrons.

    • gzaitzeff

      Most authors have websites and fansites that include blogs, twitter and Facebook. Many have book trailers that are either fan or publisher produced on YouTube. What I think makes the Green brothers aka the Vlogbrothers so unique is that their use of YouTube seems authentic, not just promotional. It’s not just about their blogs or books. They are also very charismatic and have good screen presence. YouTube affordances make it a perfect vehicle for them., but I’m not sure how many authors could replicate their success. You right, though, Youth Services and high school librarians should really be up on things like this.

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