Haipei’s ENGL 372 Blog

” Hello everyone this is Average Dude 604 and welcome back to my blog!”

Surprisingly, that is something I would actually say as a introduction of my videos on my YouTube Channel back when I was actively producing contents around sneaker culture.

Hello everyone, My name is Haipei and believe it or not I am a 7th year UBC student who is trying to finish his last 6 credits to get his degree. I dropped out of school in 2017 to pursuit a career in banking and investments. Fast forward to 2020, I have finally reached that point where your Asian parents are acknowledging that your decision to drop out of school was correct but morally kidnaps you to finish your degree. So here I am, in this class, trying to fulfill my literature requirement. How exciting and fascinating.

And no, I did not mention YouTube so I can get more subscribers, but here is a visual of my channel and the link to it to satisfy part of the “at least two hyperlinks and a visual” requirement:


Now since we have gotten that self advertisement out of the way, lets talk about this course.

To be honest, none of the course readings sparks any interest in me making me wanting to find out more about the topic. Not to say that the course materials are irrelevant or de-valuing it in anyway. For example, I can go on and on about banking, investments, charts, candle sticks, ratios, financial statements, and I am sure I can put some of you in this class to sleep with those topics. However, I am open and interested in learning new perspectives on subjects that I have never touched before such as “Get the Most From Word Press.com” over at:


At the end of our first blog I would just like to add that it is a blessing to be working with all of you online. Even if we have not met in person, the connections and perspectives from this group will for sure enlighten some of my views and perhaps maybe even add in a few new ideas!

P.S. If you are just so curious and couldn’t resist on clicking into my Facebook profile and notice that I am also a club promoter? What on earth? Yes, I am a banker in Scotia Wealth Management and yes I am also a club promoter. Have a brilliant and fun weekend everyone 🙂




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