Evil? Where did it come from?

Grab your hot chocolate. Grab your blankets. Grab somebody, because you are going on a ride with me through imagination land to look for the root of EVIL.

Randy was just strolling around the block on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Listening to his favorite tunes from Armin Van Bureen, all of a sudden everything he sees became brighter, brighter, brighter and eventually everything was so white he entered this realm of blank whiteness.

In the middle of this boundless sea of white he sees a globe like spherical shape floating a few feet away from him. Curiosity kills a cat? Maybe.

Randy walked up to the globe, rubbed his eyes, and interestingly enough he notices there are tiny little man and woman living on one side of the globe. The population was living harmoniously. Men would go hunting and fishing, while the women stayed at camp in their tents to take care of the toddlers and the elderly. Occasionally, the women would go pick berries and knit dry grass into hats. Randy smiled from deep within and thought to himself : “everything is so beautiful on this planet. People are loving each other. Everyone is happy. I wonder what else is on the other side of this globe.”

Randy turned the globe in hope to see another beautiful, harmonious community, but he was deeply disappointing. On the other side of the globe, he saw murder, war, rape and robbery. War planes thundered above the concrete jungle underneath and left a sea of fire behind. Military Generals were giving out orders on top of a pile of skeletons. A child was crying for her mom, who was buried under a mountain of fallen bricks from the previously bombed building. It was horrifying. Randy felt scared, and he turned the globe once again.

This time around a river was in front of Randy. The rolling water and occasional jumping of fishes filled Randy’s heart with sunshine. The thick treeline on both sides of the river provided excellent cover for the two rival armies. Spear heads and swords reflected the lively sunlight into Randy’s eyes as the river turned red.

“NO” Randy shouted and attempted to use his own hands to divide the fighting armies.

All of a sudden, the killing stopped. The soldiers of the fighting armies looked at each other, then diverted their focus onto the God like Randy and his gigantic hands in the river. Eyes filled with rage and glowing red, the tiny soldiers decided to team up on Randy.

The enemies lifted each other up and climbed onto Randy’s arm. Some fired tiny arrows into his eyes, and some used ropes to tie down Randy’s hands as the tiny soldiers ran up Randy’s arm onto his head. Randy was soon covered in tiny soldiers. Much like the scene where a million ants climbs onto a human. Soon enough, Randy started to bleed out of control and collapsed beside the magical globe.

The globe finished his story. A story once been told that can never be untold. So, be careful of the stories your tell, and most importantly, the stories you listen to.


This assignment is unique in a way that it allowed me to construct a fictional character going into fictional world but witnessing real historical events. In my story I referenced the first settlers in North America under a hunter and gathering society, World War II Germany, and finally the Bloody Battle of Hun River during the Ming Dynasty in China. Of course, some of you might have noticed that Randy is a reference to God. In this story, Randy attempted to end all evil but unfortunately evil over ran him.

This was an very interesting and fun assignment. I enjoyed writing this story.

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