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Monthly Archives: November 2012

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After reading this blog i analyzed that these companies like RIM, GM motors are laying off workers without considering the negative impacts of this decision on the lives of these workers. Question which struck my mind was, should companies just consider about profits or other aspects as well when making the decision weather to shut down a company or continue its activity.

Shutting might be a normal thing as it would save these companies in dollars but will this decision exceed the social costs? Thats the question these companies should emphasize on as it does not only affect the workers, it affects everyone related to them. Each and every family members gets affects.

GM motors has closed its plant which will cut 2000 jobs, means will affect 2000 families. It will be very hard for them to settle again as most of them are not very skilled. GM’s this act can affect its sales if considered from the point of view of corporate social responsibility.

Women Entrepreneurship in 3rd world countries


“Entrepreneurs” in 3rd world countries e.g. Bangladesh, Pakistan etc. is mostly referred to males. Women entrepreneurship is highly discouraged in such countries and there are not many facilities to help this sector grow.

According to a research it is said that there are particular industries e.g. sewing; women have more skills to manage it as compared to men. There is a huge market of hand made cultural carpets and silk shawls all over the world but this industry is not expanding because of lack of encouragement for women. Women have artistic minds and designing skills but lack of facilities and negative mind-set are the hurdles in such countries.

Government and other institutions should create awareness regarding women entrepreneurship and other concerned departments should give extra facilities to the upcoming women who are taking steps in order to increase women entrepreneurship. Women ratio is very high in such countries; encouragement can give a boost to the countries GDP. It will also lower the dependency ratio thus easing the burden on the government.

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Alfred’s views are totally respectable and I agree that such sanctions no matter which ever countries imposes it, in the end it is a great source of destruction. As Alfred mentioned about Akbar Mohebi, because of this act who was not able to pay fees of his children studying abroad. This is just one family; millions of families get affected in different ways as a result of such cruel sanctions.

We all should consider the negative impacts of sanctions, as they don’t help in making things better rather they ruin it further. They are a great source of hatred specially in heart of those who get affected directly e.g. someone dies because of starvation, someone’s future gets at risk etc.

The authorities should find out alternatives to solve these matters instead of punishing general public because of something they haven’t been part of.

Respond to blog post:


I totally agree to Tanvir, big companies like apple are not providing proper working conditions to its employees; its biggest example is the Fuxconn factory where all these latest apple gadgets are produced. The outputs of the factory are outstanding but the inputs are horrible.

Workers are forced to work for continuous long hours without any break; they are bound to live in the accommodations provided by the factory which are occupied by the indecent smells, harmful insects etc. Such conditions clearly lower the morale of the workers and demotivates them but due to no other source of bread and butter they continue working in this environment.

These big firms should realize that although such conditions lower their production costs and allows them to earn huge short-term profits but it is their long-term loss. As I am very fond of apple products but after reading the article regarding Fuxconn Apple’s image totally shattered in front of me and if apple keeps continuing this with its workers I would stop buying its product keeping the social responsibility in mind.

Article source:


“After graduation should I work with some company gain experience or should I just start my own business?” this is a question which clicks thousands of young entrepreneurial minds everyday.

I asked a lot of businessmen and the answer I got was somehow similar “it depends.” A very vague concept though but in detail what they meant was, it totally depends on the business idea. One’s passion for the project plays a vital role in the success of one’s decision.

It’s a wrong mind-set that starting a business exactly after graduation is going to fail, I can quote some true Sauder Alumni’s who instead of working for anyone else started his or her own company and are very successful. E.g. Tom Dobrzanski who is a graduate in finance and accounting instead of working he decided to pursue his passion for music and started his own studio business.




A spectacular TV program with a valuable purpose; a panel of successful entrepreneurs with huge amount of spare cash willing to make money and help the young entrepreneurial talent by investing in the potential projects.

Startup funding is one of the major reasons for numerous businesses to fail before they even start. Dragon’s Den is an excellent concept as it provides hope to those talented entrepreneurs who have the potential ideas but not the funds. It encourages them to think out of the box regardless of worrying about the startup financial issues.

There is no concept of such TV shows in 3rd world countries e.g. Pakistan, so first time when I saw it “I was totally amazed”. Its one of the biggest opportunities an upcoming entrepreneur can get. The best thing to me was how quickly the skilled panel judges whether the project is profitable and has the future potential to grow. Every episode is full of learning, it does not only provide money but for the viewers it’s a great source to acquire knowhow of the entrepreneurial world for e.g. presentation skills, emerging business industries etc.

Information Source:
Self observation after watching the episodes.


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