Week 1 Prompt

Reflect on what you learned in Term 1 and some goals you have for yourself for ASTU in term 2. What would you like to learn? What will you do to enable that?

In Term 1 I learned that I’m capable of more than I think, and need to stop second-guessing myself so much in completing my work. I often doubt whether my ideas and/or products when I’m working on assignments are “good enough”, which leads to many full resets. This makes projects take much longer than they probably should, in turn putting a ton of unnecessary stress on myself. During Term 1 I learned to let that go and trust my ability to put together a strong piece of work.

A goal I have for Term 2 in ASTU is to manage my time better. I would like to get started on projects earlier than usual. This would allow me to better plan and format my projects, as well as reducing stress throughout the whole process of each assignment. To achieve this goal, I think I need to look further ahead in the schedule so I’m better prepared for what’s coming up. Something else that would help me accomplish this goal could be to lay out my own timeline in relation to assignments. Creating a tighter schedule for myself would encourage and remind me to stay ahead of the curve on due dates, and also prevent me from wasting time doing nothing, when I could be doing work.

Another goal I have for Term 2 is to complete all these blogs. In Term 1 I left quite a few points on the table because I either forgot altogether or blanked on what to write about, telling myself I’d get back to it. (I often didn’t get back to it.) I think these prompts are going to make that a lot easier, as well as the due dates. Something I personally could do to help myself achieve this goal, again, would be to set reminders so I don’t forget about them. This ties in with my first goal, where I could relieve the stress around these blogs by not leaving them to the last minute to complete.

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