Marketing and “The Voice of China”

   These days a new TV reality show, called “The Voice of China”, is enjoying great popularity among audience in China. The viewers are continually posting videos and pictures of their favorite contestants on the Chinese version of “facebook” and “twitter”.  Its success has tripled the price of a prime time advertisement in the past 2 months.

   In recent years, Chinese TV market is quite competitive due to the large numbers of similar foreign-format talent shows, like “Super Girls” and “You’ve Got Talent”. So, what makes “The Voice of China” to be the most successful talent show in China so far? I find that some marketing concepts and strategies could be applied for the explanation.

   First is about its opportunity. Although there are lots of competitors in the TV show market, the formats and the criteria for selection of those programs are quite similar. In some shows, in order to cause controversy and increase exposer, some celebrities or judges flirt with each other, and a few participants make up touching stories to gain audience’s sympathy. These lower the taste of the show and the audience are becoming tired of them. Therefore, Chinese audience are in great need of a professional and excellent music show.

   Then it comes with the strengths of “The Voice of China”. The program was imported from Holland, the important blind audition format firstly separates it from other shows. Another key characteristic of this show is the emphasis on professional training. The four mentors are all influential singers in Chinese music industry. They interact with contestants professionally, respectfully and gracefully. The most significant strength of “The Voice” is that it encourages the growth of Chinese own pop music. As one of the mentor Liu Huan said, “In ‘The Voice’, we love to hear different kinds of voices and encourage different types of Chinese music. I want the world to hear the real voice of China.” This helps audience to increase the cultural confidence in music and makes it more than an entertaining show.


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