Elite Video Gamers Cash in by Sharing Tips on YouTube

Activision Blizzard, one of the most popular FPS game company has recently released a new gamed called “Call of Duty: Ghosts.” As one of the company’s latest FPS games from the Call of Duty franchise, gamers from all around the world are very curious about what new themes, items and characters there will be included in the newly presented game.

Eric Hirshber, president and chief executive officer of Activision Publishing has let one of the elite Call of Duty players to advertise his latest game.

Martin is a well known Youtube video gamer, who records himself playing games while narrating tips on strategy and delivering tips on how to play better. He then publishes his clips on Youtube. By letting him play the latest game, Call of Duty: Ghost, Eric Hirshber expects a high sales revenue from the advertisement effect gained by Martin. This can be a very effective way to advertise the latest product as not just Call of Dusty fans but also fans of Martin would gain interest of the newly presented game. Therefore, if Eric Hirshber has an opportunity to have big events to show his new game products to the public, I believe using elite gamers would promote the brand image for Activision Blizzard.


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