The one time it’s good to take advantage of the environment

by hannahskurnik ~ October 25th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.


The huge environmental wave described in the book Green to Gold has crashed onto the business world over the past few years and has opened up an entirely new market, the business of being environmentally friendly. Corporations who have been manipulating their customers’ wants for years are now becoming the manipulated market. Organizations like 1% For the Planet and The Climate Registry have found that businesses these days are desperate to appear sustainable and have capitalized  on this new factor.

They offer legitimacy to businesses that want their customers to see that they are sustainable, like a big stamp of approval. Businesses are capable enough to make their practices sustainable themselves, but now that’s not enough. Being “officially” sustainable comes at a price.

Businesses like 1% For the Planet are genius. Customers want to see sustainable practices within organizations, organizations want the stamp of approval to show customers, and the new businesses provide that by charging a small fee for their name to be flaunted. It is like buying a t-shirt that says Chanel on it. Organizations want that name to show people.

It is just one more  way to use the environment to the human race’s advantage, but this time it’s doing good rather than harm!

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