Go Google Go!

by hannahskurnik ~ November 6th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.


Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin 2007

Since being first incorporated in 1998, Google has not stopped pushing the boundaries of what “just a search engine” can do. Of all the companies in the world I cannot think of a better company that embodies the definition of entrepreneurship.  It started out as just a small company founded by two Stanford Phd students. Now, the brand has grown to be worth $153.3 billion. The speed with which Google took over the search engine industry is astounding. After being incorporated for only five years, Google went public with an IPO of $85 a share. gaining a market capitalization worth more than $23 billion.Google has become such an integral part of the internet and doing research that the name has even became an official verb.

The greatest thing about Google is the amount of innovation that is constantly being pumped out of their “Googleplex”  office in California. They offer amazing services for free that many people don’t even know about: International internet calling, internet sharing of Powerpoint, text messaging to cellphones that can then be forwarded to your own cell phone, Google earth. Even now that Google is a massive company it still has that entrepreneurial spirit coursing through its wires.

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