Posted by: | 10th Nov, 2012

Retailer Uses Social Media To Her Advantage


The owner of Frakas, a trendy clothing boutique, has three stores in total: two in Saskatoon, and one in Kelowna. This entrepreneur is trying to make her way in the fashion/business world one step at a time. For most new businesses, finding funding  is hard to come by. Another big issue is getting your name out there, so that potential clients know who you are. The owner of Frakas uses a solution that combats both issues: Blogging.

The Frakas Blog shows pictures of newly acquired items of clothing and accessories. It also informs clients of what the latest trends are. The blog features different contests that allow customers the potential to win some great prizes. The blog does all this, while remaining a source of free advertising.

I think that this interactive blogging system is great for the store. Having contests and giving fashion tips keeps buyers interested and insures that they check the blog on a regular basis. Because we live in a technological driven era, a blog is a perfect way for a store to reach people in its desired target market. Using social media as a means to advertise also allows the store to save exorbitant amounts on marketing fees.

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