Posted by: | 6th Oct, 2012

Animal Abuse Appears to be Unstoppable

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus is an American Circus that travels around putting on shows. The company markets themselves as being the “greatest show on earth”. Video evidence however, gives reason to believe else wise.

As I was perusing around various articles on PETA, I came across one concerning this particular circus. The article reveals that circus trainers were caught beating and abusing their performance animals. As a penalty for breaking the Animal Welfare Act, the company was given the largest fine in all of circus history: $270,000.

I was already aware that many circuses have been known to abuse their animals, so when I read about the fine statement, I was very pleased to hear that action is being taken to fight for the protection and proper treatment of animals. However, this good feeling was short lived. As I continued to read different articles, I found that even though one huge fine was given to the company, their behavior towards animals did not change. On September 27th, 2012, the circus put on a show in Manchester, N.H. Video evidence shows that during a routine, one of the elephants, Luna, fails to perform a trick. When she does not cooperate she is hit multiple times with a bullhook, in her already-injured leg.

With further research, I noticed their many other accounts of animal mistreatment, and how they’ve been forced to pay a multitude of fines. One shocking incidence was back in 2004. While the circus was travelling from one venue another, the animals in the train cars started suffering from the intense Florida heat and from a lack of water. The problem became so severe that the 2 year old lion, Clyde, died in the car.1

With all the serious offenses the circus has committed and with the many investigations and fines they have received, it begs the question : why is the company still allowed to perform today? And furthermore, why do so many people continue to pay money to watch these animals suffer?


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