Hans' Blog

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Will RIM make a comeback?

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Blackberry has just announced that RIM will offer free voice calls through WIFI with BBM. They will initiate this service in the new Blackberry 10 that will be coming out in the near future. With the new addition of free voice calls through WIFI, BBM will be able to offer another service that is causing certain users from switching to the growing android market or iPhones. BBM has always been the point of difference  that is allowing RIM to stay competitive against other phones.

In my opinion, this is a smart choice for Blackberry as it tries to use Blackberry 10 in order to regain its customers. With this new service, Blackberry will be able to come out of their recent depression caused by the expansion of smartphones. However, Blackberry will soon fall short again, in my opinion, because of app developers that will create alternate versions of this service on smartphones and iPhones. Only time will tell if Blackberry will become a lead competitor in this industry again.


References : http://www.thestar.com/living/technology/article/1288154–rim-offers-free-voice-calls-over-wi-fi-with-bbm

Written by hanschoi

November 15th, 2012 at 6:33 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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