Hans' Blog

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Which one is better? Samsung Galaxy S3 vs Apple IPhone 5

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Throughout the past few months, Samsung and Apple has been participating in a major “phone war” to determine which company with produce the better phone, either the Samsung Galaxy S3 or the IPhone 5. Throughout this battle, each company has been delivering numerous advertisements to the general public to promote their new phones. However, instead of designing advertisements to show the advantages of their phone, Samsung has been designing advertisements to criticize the IPhone 5. For example, Apple has design an advertisement calling IPhone “the next big thing; however, Samsung countered this advertisement by saying that “the next big thing is already here”. Surprisingly, this isn’t the first time that Samsung targeted Apple as they targeted Apple during last years campaign to promote the Samsung Galaxy S2. Last year, Samsung Mobile President Dale Sohn told PCMag, “We’re excited for the opportunity to educate as many consumers as possible about why the Samsung Galaxy S II is the preferred choice for smartphone owners.”.

This battle relates to our class where we learned about relative positioning. I was inspired to do a blog post about this battle after seeing how Pepsi basically did the same thing to Coke by targeting Coke in their advertisements. Through this, we can see that this type to marketing is a common way to target competitors in the same industry.




Written by hanschoi

October 6th, 2012 at 3:14 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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