Hans' Blog

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Translink Hikes

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This article stuck me because of all the changes that Translink is making to its system. Another change will be initiated started January 2013 when Translink raise the price of transiting from a minimum of $2.25 for adults to $2.75 for adults that are travelling one zone.

With this, monthly fare cards with also rise. As a UBC student, I personally do not have to purchase these fare cards because of the UPass; however I can see this as being a problem for many other transiting people. Back in beginning of 2010, monthly fare cards were only at $99 until it changed to $110 in April 2010. This price stayed like that until this recent change where fare cards will now be $124. Throughout these years, there is a 25% increase in price. Translink stated that they are increasing the prices because of the level of inflation; however, I do not believe that inflation can go up to 25%.

In my opinion, the most just way for Translink is to quickly constructing fare gates and have it begin to function. The new Compass card will allow consumers to pay for the distance that they travel, rather than zones that they travel between. As of now, a person travelling from Vancouver to Burnaby by crossing one bridge pays more than a person travelling from Horseshoe Bay to Deep Cove because of zones differences. By initiating the Compass Card, all problems will be solved and there will be a fair way in allocating prices for each passenger.


Translink says the 2013 fare increase is intended to cover inflation.


Reference : http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2012/11/13/bc-translink-fare-increase.html

Written by hanschoi

November 14th, 2012 at 1:19 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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